Jason Turcotte reminds me of the month of March because he’s like a lion and a lamb. The owner of Turcotte Data & Design and the managing director for BNI’s Western Mass region, Jason is [...]
Note: With this piece, I introduce a new blog series that will post on occasion and be interspersed with Beetle Press’ more usual posts. I’m calling this series, “The Big Reach.” It will offer [...]
Judy and I are journalists, so curiosity and questioning come naturally to us. This is why networking feels more like socializing. We meet people. We get interested in what they do, and the next [...]
Relationships are so important in business – just as they are in our social spheres. As a small business owner or the leader of an organization, you should always be thinking about how you are [...]
Unless you sell kayaks or ice cream, summer can be a great time for business owners to evaluate their marketing and communications efforts and identify a strategy for jumpstarting sales and traffic.
Email and online communications are convenient, and they make business flow more quickly and efficiently, but sometimes, people get so casual that professionalism is lost and business stalls out.
Pay attention. That’s my new message to myself when I go to visit client prospects. “Pay attention to where you are,” I tell myself and I do a spot check of what is on my person.
“You just found the best exercise routine on earth! Try it now for free!” I edited the content for a fitness instructor’s website recently, and those were the first words on his home page. I [...]
The most meaningful, and by far the most difficult, piece of writing I ever tackled was my husband, Ed Godleski’s, obituary. Ed was diagnosed with metastatic lung cancer in May 2010, and as his [...]
One of the problems with being a writer and editor is that I find myself editing things in my head all the time, such as menus and billboards and the flyers that appear on bulletin boards everywhere.