Giving Clients Peace of Mind

 In Blog

I love giving my clients peace of mind, and I do this by taking the pressure off them—by sharing their news in a clear, concise way across the best channels. They get noticed. They get feedback.

I get the pleasure of seeing their peace of mind—and gratitude—as awareness gets raised.

I help my clients in two basic ways: I help them share their news with the media via press releases, and I help them roll out storytelling content in their blogs, social media, and enewsletter and blasts—and also in print publications they produce themselves, such as annual reports, campaign and donor reports, alumni magazines, and postcards for direct mail campaigns.

Let me show you how it works.

Media consulting

I consult with clients on an ongoing basis to help them share stories that are newsworthy with the media—like a new business, a new service, a new owner, or a new president. Some of my clients have lots of news to choose from, and I help them dial in on the opportunities that have the best chance of giving them exposure. 

I ask them questions to help determine who might be the best person to focus on for the press release—a customer? A staff member? A donor? We make these important decisions together, and then they connect me to a contact, and I conduct an interview.

I use what I’ve gathered to write a release. We work on it together. I offer recommendations on suggestions on photography we could supply to run with the story. When all the pieces are ready to send—I distribute to the media. 

Then, we watch together. 

And we repurpose. I turn the press release into blog-style, which is more relaxed and less formal, and my clients post the news on their websites and share the links on social media.

Blogs, social, and other content

I also partner with clients in imagining and rolling out a storytelling campaign, and we discuss what channels to use—blog, social media, printed annual report, or all the above, most likely! Once you have created content, your best chance for getting it noticed is to share it as widely as you are able.

In these campaigns, we feature stories about dedicated staff members, generous donors, hard-working volunteers, and customers who had a great experience. 

As I do in brainstorming press releases, I help my clients determine the best folks to interview. Who has the most compelling story to tell? 

I interview people, gather the information, work with the client to refine the story. And then, poof. Off it goes on their website, Facebook page, Twitter feed. 

And don’t I love when a printed piece also shows up in my mailbox. 

I can help you strategize the best ways to connect with the media—and the big, wide audience you have in your community. And I can help you get noticed online. 

Just reach out and talk with me. I’m so easy to talk with, and I’ll make the process painless and efficient! 

We are all busy!

Photo by Craig Fear of Fearless Eating.

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