Supporting a Global PR Guru
A year ago, I began working with Kiki Keating, the founder of KikiNetwork, a global PR company based in New Hampshire. I wanted to learn how to swim in a much bigger pond, and I have not been disappointed.
Kiki honed her PR skills while leading the first-ever marketing and communications department at Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire. In this long-time role, Kiki built relationships with MarComm professionals around the world as well as with the journalists they need to reach in order to raise awareness about their schools, professors and their research, programs, students and alums.
Ten years ago, Kiki founded KikiNetwork and put her skills to work for her clients, who range from graduate schools to entrepreneurs and the creators of new technology to authors of books.
Kiki is a whirlwind of energy who never stops working—and playing—and she is creative, imaginative, and focused on finding the best PR opportunities for her clients.
In addition to the PR business, she also runs a second venture, the MakiNetwork Business Media Conference, with her business partner, Matt Symonds. Named by blending Matt and Kiki’s first names, the semi-annual event brings together PR professionals from highly ranked global business schools and top-tier international media.
MarComm professionals make up the audience, and journalists from premier publications around the world come to speak about what they are covering in the news and how to best get their attention.
During Covid, Maki had to go virtual, but came back with a lot of energy this year in London. Kiki invited me to come with her to help with everything that goes on at the conference, and I was thrilled to be included—both for the chance to sightsee and be an observer in a room full of like-minded professionals.
I was so appreciative, I told Kiki I would do whatever she needed.
Maki was held last week. Tune in next week to learn what I learned!